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Water jet machining

                     Water jet machining 

This employs a fine high pressure (1500-4000mn/am) high velocity(up to the twice speed of sound) jet of water which when bombarded on the workpiece erodes the material
                                     High-pressure  water jet has two properties which make it potentially useful in industries they are its destructive cutting tool

Operating principal

Many vary such as a nozzle diameter, water pressure cutting feed rate and the stand distance effect the pressure  Generally high cutting quality would be the result of the condition high pressure, large nozzle low feed rate.

The equipment consists of three main unit
1.       Pump along with an intensifier to generate very high pressure(1-10k) bar.
2.       Cutting unit consisting nozzle and workpiece.

3.       Filtration unit removes the debris from the water after use a polymer glycerine, polyethene is added to the working fluid to prevent freezing and provide lubrication.
Water jet machining Water jet machining Reviewed by Mech and tool engineering on May 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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