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Limiting Angle of Friction

                                 Limiting Angle of Friction

Restricting (LIMITING) Angle of Friction is characterized as the point which the resultant response (R) makes with the typical response (RN).

Constraining Angle of Friction

Consider a body An of weight W laying on a flat plane B has appeared in Fig. 1.17. In the event that a flat power P is connected to the body, no relative movement happens until the connected power P is equivalent to the power of grinding F, acting inverse to the heading of movement. The extent of this power of contact is

F = µ W = µ.RN, where RN is the typical response.

In the restricting case, when the body just starts to move, it is in balance under the activity of the accompanying three powers :

1. Weight of the body (W),

2. Connected level power (P), and

3. Response (R) between the body An and plane B.

The response R must, therefore, be equivalent and inverse to the resultant of W and P and will be slanted at an edge (ϕ) to the typical response (RN). This edge ϕ is known as the restricting point of rubbing or essentially edge of contact. From Fig. 1.17, we find that

point of grating
Limiting Angle of Friction Limiting Angle of Friction Reviewed by Mech and tool engineering on July 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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