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                             UPSET BUTT WELDING

upset butt welding the pieces to be joined are brought together to mate with each other in butt joint compared to the lap joint that is used so far the two pieces  are held highly together and current  is applied so that the heat is generated through  the content are between the two plates because  of the two plates of join being under  the pressure  the ends of the two pieces  get slightly upset and hence its name this used for joining the two ends of roads  of similar piece. a variant of the upset welding. where a continuous seam weld is obtained is shown in fig this id the process used for making electric  resistance  welded pipe starting from a metal plate of suitable  thickness  the plate is first formed into  the shape of the pipe with the help of three ruleset

UPSET BUTT WELDING UPSET BUTT WELDING Reviewed by Mech and tool engineering on June 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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