the laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation although the laser is used as light amplifiers in some applications its principal used is an optical oscillator or transducer for converting electrical energy into a highly collated beam of optical radiation the light energy emitted by the laser.
Operating principal
an atom orbital electrons can jump to high energy levels by absorbing quart of simulating energy when the occurs the atoms is said to be in the executed state the and may then spontaneously emits or radiated the absorbed energy simulator the energy is absorbed by the excited state two quanta of the energy are radiated and the electron drops to its original level
Laser machine is basically a high-speed ablation process the work-piece is heated so surface melting occurs the exploration of very small portion of the liquid metals takes place so rapidly portion of the liquid metal takes place so rapidly under the high intensity of a focused laser beam that a substantial impulse is transmitted to the liquid
Reviewed by Mech and tool engineering
May 16, 2017
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